Currently in my journey of learning Korean, I am learning about the two different number systems used in Korean language which are the Sino Korean and native Korean number system. Native Korean numbers are used in situations like counting people, things, hours, age, etc. Sino-Korean numbers are used for time (minutes), days of the week, months, and years, etc.
I hope to be able to efficiently apply the correct number systems within conversations. I would like to be able to state how old I am or someone else is, count items/people, tell time, learn the days of the week, and months/years. I hope to accomplish by the end of the week, the ability to state my age, the time/date in Korean.
Some strategies that my partner and I have worked on is that we would first review the numbers (sound and spelling) and then I practice and memorize them on my own. After I become more comfortable with the numbers, I would spell them out in hangul so I can fully grasp how the sound relates to the spelling. And then I would then be quizzed on random numbers. The book from global studies has really helped both me and my partner as it provided me a visual and showed me the different uses of the two number systems.
I think that this strategy has been effective as I have been progressing with memorizing the numbers. I think that now, using the numbers in conversation (forming sentences) and the correct situation would be a good challenge to really solidify the topic of numbers (time/date/age).
While learning Korean, I’ve experienced some moments of frustration due to the process being slow at times as it may take me some time to fully grasp the concept. I think most of it really has to do with focusing on not just memorizing but also relating the Korean word (the sound of the word) to a specific object, so it comes to me easily like my native language or other languages I know well.
This process of language learning, however, has been really enjoyable. I really like the motivation I receive from my language partner, and I love to see the small steps of progress I am making each meeting we have.
Hi Justina! I learned number systems this semester too. The hardest part for me is to remember which system to use when ordering food, and there are different ways to order food either by palate or by person. And your strategy sounds really helpful, thanks for your sharing!
The craziest difference between English and Korean is the numbers! I remember watching this like Korean jeopardy special and they talked about it - it completely blew my mind. It honestly reminds me of how in higher level math you eventually get theoretical numbers like pi, x, e, and i. Numbers that only work for specific situations. I know that these concepts exist in Korean math too, but that's the best way that I can conceptualize it. My point is - numbers/math are awful across the globe, but it sounds like you have a plan and the patience to tackle it which is very impressive.
I agree that one of the hardest thing about the Korean langauge is that they have different number systems used in different context. When I first learned Korean I thought it was very weird too. It was also confusing of which system to use when but I think once you understand the system it is a lot easier to communicate with people in Korea.