The close family ties and dependencies are valued highly in Korea. Korean society became highly patriarchal when the Confucian system was imported from China and made the official state belief system in about 1390 A.D. For example, fathers were responsible for their families and were to be both obeyed and revered by everyone (filiopiety). Although some Koreans still adhere to traditional Confucian principles of family organization, many Koreans are adapting to more independent, less patriarchal family organizations.
In traditional Korean society, women had set roles. They were expected to stay at home, to raise their children, keep house and prepare meals. In farming villages they also worked in the fields. When women married they came to live in their husbands' houses, but always kept their own family names. Once in their husbands' homes, they became part of the extended families. Not only were they to obey the eldest males in the family and their husbands, but to take commands from the eldest woman. Although many of these concepts are still present in many families, it is not as strictly organized. Today, women are in every occupation, from government officials to business persons and professors. Young married couples often move from their hometown, especially if it's in the countryside, to the city or sub-urb near Seoul.