Cultural topic of your choice
For my cultural topic, I decided to talk about Korean cuisine because it’s very different from other cultural cuisines. In Korea, it is normal to eat rice with many side dishes. The meal structure of rice and side dishes often does not differ, but the type of side dishes served do. Some common side dishes are kimchi (spicy fermented cabbage), various soups (for example: mee-yuck-gook which is a seaweed soup), o-ee kimchi (cucumbers in the kimchi sauce), kkakdoogee (cubed daikon radish), seasoned spinach (sheegeumchi), and more. The cuisine is largely vegetable based, but there are non-vegetable side dishes such as fish cakes, eggs, and potatoes. My favorite side dish is kkakdoogee (cubed daikon radish) because it’s crunchy and spicy.