This week, I learned some nouns about things in a classroom, and also learn to ask basic questions.
책 (n) book
펜(n) pen
공책(n) notebook
공책(n) notebook
연필(n) pencil
지우개(n) eraser
학생(n) student
선생님 (n) teacher
교실 (n) classroom
의자 (n) chair
칠판(n) blackboard
교과서(n) textbook
지도(n) map
A: 이것이 무엇입니까?
B: ______________________.
A: 이것은 무엇입니까?
B: _______________________.
I think it's great that you chose to focus on a specific topic. I didn't do that until a couple weeks into the semester. But once I did, I realized that it makes it a lot easier to learn concepts, and I even remembered the vocabulary better!