SDLC 110: Artifact #4

For my last artifact, I will be taking parts of a sports article and translating the main ideas.

"NBA- 웨스트브룩, 27년만에 5연속 트리플더블…OKC 5연승"

This is the title of the article, which states "Westbrook, in 27 years, for 5 straight games a triple double.. OKC 5 game winning streak."

"NBA에서 5연속 경기 트리플더블이 나온 건 1989년 마이클 조던(당시 시카고 불스)이 기록한 뒤 27년 만이다."

In the NBA, the only other person to have had a 5 streak triple double was Michael Jordan(of the Chicago Bulls) in 1989, it has been 27 years. 

"웨스트브룩은 개인 통산 47번째, 올 시즌 10번째 트리플더블을 세웠으며, 역대 최다 트리플더블 5위 래리 버드(59개)를 12개 차이로 추격했다."

Westbrook has total of 47 times, this season alone 10 times he recorded a triple double. He is 12 behind Larry Bird who is 5th on the list of all time players with the most triple doubles in their career. 

"그는 올 시즌 21경기에서 평균 31점 10.8리바운드 11.3어시스트를 기록하고 있다."

In 21 games, he is averaging 31 points, 10.8 rebounds, and 11.3 assists.

"웨스트브룩은 6일 애틀랜타 호크스와 경기에서 6연속 경기 트리플더블에 도전한다."

On the 6th (of December), he will be looking to record his sixth straight triple double."

"오클라호마시티는 경기 막판 상대 팀 버디 힐드에게 연속 3점 슛을 허용하며 96-92, 4점 차로 쫓겼다."

Oklahoma City (Thunders) game in the last quarter/ last couple minutes, the opposing team member, Buddy Hield, scored back-to-back three pointers to get to 96-92, cutting it to a 4 points difference. 

Because I love basketball, I was interested in seeing how Koreans would review the NBA, and what kind of words they would use to describe it. These 6 sentences are relatively straightforward, and use language that I would not normally use in an everyday scenario. I noticed that a lot of English words are sounded out in the Korean language which I found interesting. Words such as "rebounds" and "assists" were not translated into Korean words that meant such things, but rather it seems they put together a Korean word that sounds like the actual English translation. I did have a rough time translating word for word, but I believe I got the main idea of the article, along with its main details. 

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