Based on my experience as a language learner, I enjoyed the opportunity to learn something new. It’s awesome to be able to speak a language other than my own. It provided an opportunity to deeply connect with native speakers and break the image that I am an outsider to them. From my experience, most individuals were usually accepting of outsiders who attempt to learn their language. I enjoyed how learning a new language reduced the awkwardness that I would have felt when being surrounded by native speakers. Additionally, it’s pretty amusing to see the look of absolute surprise on their faces when I read something or respond to something they said in their language. Overall it’s great being able to understand a language to such an extent where I would be able to travel to the countries associated with the languages and test my skills.
I disliked the quickness that came with learning a new language. I definitely felt overwhelmed when being in a classroom. The pace was just too fast for me to fully comprehend and retain the information. I was uncomfortable speaking and learning in a large group setting with individuals who have an easier time in learning. There were times where I felt that I was going too slow and not as skilled as others. I definitely preferred to learn on my own and with a great deal of practice. I hated having to learn so much information in a short period of time. It most likely hindered on my ability to retain this information. Another part that I disliked is when the teacher or instructor would speak quickly in the language, making understanding difficult. When this happens, I felt inferior for even asking questions about it when I should have been able to comprehend it.
I am a visual learner so I prefer to see images associated with the word or be given examples to really see a clear connection. I can’t memorize very well. Just because you say a word in a language doesn’t mean that I necessarily know what the word means or the object associated with it. Only unless an individual indicates that this word is equal to this object do I retain this new knowledge. Activities such as demonstrations and drawings suit my learning style. I also am an aural learner. I pay close attention to the pronunciation of the words. In doing so, I am able to mimic the sound and the way that the word is pronounced. I prefer activities where I can hear and practice saying the words to a native speaker. I realized that a word can be pronounced differently than what is written and so it’s much better to focus on listening. Learning activities should not include open-ended questions. However worksheets that provide consistent practice should be incorporated as one of the activities. Throughout a course, I expect it to be clear and concise so I know exactly what should be done and when. While I dislike surprises and freedom to do whatever, I think this would be a great opportunity for myself to be in control of what I learn. Through this way, I can learn at my own pace and hopefully feel comfortable learning. Therefore with this new-found freedom, I have the opportunity to create a learning schedule tailored to my needs that incorporates activities that I know will optimize my learning experience. Expanding to other learning activities would require some time getting used to and incorporate trial and error. When expanding, I should be open to new ideas and be willing to take risks.