As mentioned in the reading, different cultures have different notions of personal identity. In Korea, older people are accorded with honor. Therefore, anyone older or of a higher status must be addressed with honorifics, even among acquaintances and strangers. The use of honorifics reflects the differences in social status between speakers and is often used to show respect.
Koreans also heavily rely on nonverbal communication and behaviors. First, Koreans greet by bowing. Posture is extremely important, and bowing should occur from the waist, not just the head and neck. One of the main cultural differences between many western countries and Korea is that direct eye contact in Korea is viewed as impolite. Thus, it is often only reserved for people who they are familiar with. Also, when receiving or giving something, Koreans use both hands to show respect.
Below is a Youtube video that compares American gestures and Korean gestures that I found useful and interesting: