As mentioned in the "How we mean" reading, I believe that it is extremely important to distinguish sense from reference in order to capture the "right" meaning because one term could mean many different things.
There are meanings of meanings, but it can be difficult to recognize the right meaning, especially when you're not familiar with a language. There are cases when the meaning of a word is pretty precise and direct (monosemic); however, many words are polysemic. One word can express different meanings depending on one's tone, how it is used in a sentence, and the situation. For example, in Korean, the word for pear, boat, and stomach is the same. Moreover, grammar in Korean is extremely important because if you space out the words incorrectly, it can change the entire meaning. People see, learn, and understand things differently, and that's why what we mean and how we mean it is crucial to understand.
Moreover, these articles highlight the importance of linguistic resources to organize "meaning" through the distinction between word and lexeme. Throughout the semester, I hope to further analyze "meaning" by expanding my vocabulary in Korean as well as my understanding of Korean's culture and history, because many of the words and meaning are rooted from Chinese.