1. Purpose
- Learn Korean and Korean Cultures and eventually travel to Korean.
2. Learning Style:
a. Memorization
b. Conversation activities
c. Writing
3. Learning materials
a. Korean Drama: It's Okay, That's Love
b. Mango
c. Bigbang Music/Lyrics
d. Korean Online Menus, shopping websites etc
4. Class Structure:
a. Video- choose 5 mins scenes in drama and learn the daily conversation
b.Vocabulary and Dialogue
c. Q&A
i. Cultural Questions
ii. General Korean-related Questions
5. Goal
a. Hold a basic daily conversation
b. Able to writing some simple words and sentences.
6. Study Calendar
Greeting and Farewell (week 3)
Classroom Survival (week 4)
Introduction (week 5)
Number and currency (week 6)
Date and time (week 7)
Discuss the weather (week 9)
Ask for direction (week 10)
Dining and ordering food (week 11)
Shopping dialogue and review number vocabulary (week 12-13)
Working on artifact (week 14)
Written vowel and consonants and review greeting written Korean(week 15)
Written double vowel and double consonants (week 16)
Working on basic character (week 17-18)