I learned ~20 vocabulary words in these last two weeks. Milica and I spoke about Trebinje, a beautiful city located south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I learned that a very famous poet by the name of Jovan Ducic, an actress named Natasa Ninkovic, and a pair of famous basketball players named Dejan Bodiroga and Milan Gurovic were born in Trebinje. It's really close to some of the most gorgeous beaches in Eastern Europe in Montenegro. The local soccer team is Leotar and this city as particularly known for its bridges. We also, as usual, drilled reviewed the vocabulary for the week.
I also finished reading a chunk of Rebecca West's massive travel book called Lamb and Grey Falcon: specifically the sections titled "Bosnia" and "Herzegovina." It gave me a far more sympathetic view of the Serbian perspective of the tensions between Orthodox and Muslim populations. I will attach a review in "Artifact 4" shortly.