Reflect upon your progress to date, consider the effectiveness of your learning plan and activities, and discuss what changes, if any, you will make to finish the semester.
I am very happy with my progress so far. I have been submitting my work on time and I am on track with my learning tasks. I have been moving tasks around because I feel that I need to learn certain tasks before moving on to others. For example, I pushed my task to have a simple conversation in Hebrew to the end of the semester after I gather more knowledge and vocabulary. I am also trying to make more than only 4 artifacts so that I can show my proficiency. I have been working on my reading with my language partner and I think that is very helpful because I am learning many words from the readings.
The main learning activities that I use currently are repetition (out loud) and flashcards. So far, these two activities have been effective in helping me learn words and sentences. I tried using flashcards with one of my friends to see if she will learn words. I used 10 flashcards with Hebrew words written in English letters. 5 of them had only the words while the other 5 had words and associated pictures. After 1 hour of repeated learning, my friend remembered all 5 words with pictures and only 2 words without pictures. I asked her and she said that she is a visual learner. As a visual learner myself, I might start using pictures in my flashcards too.