September 9, 2012
Journal Entry #1
I found the categories in Crystal’s chapter, “How to Investigate Language Structure”, particularly useful. Breaking down language learning into divisions of vocabulary, grammar sounds, intonation, and idioms/expressions is right in line with my intentions: to have a structured, organized means of learning a language as quickly as possible in order to make the most of the semester.
The first two weeks have been productive. It’s been fun and scattered, learning important phrases and vocabulary at random in order to provide a very basic foundation. To maximize the speed, simplicity, and efficiency of this process however, I’ve decided to experiment with conceptualizing this semester’s language learning—and pouring my energies—into the categories suggested. I think this is going to work out well, especially because of how I like material thrown at me: directed, organized, and all at once. That said, here is a basic outline of how I plan to move into week three:
1. Vocabulary: I experimented with Byki for two days and learned basic vocabulary words—colors, numbers, days of the weeks, and animals-- at a satisfying pace. The program is fantastic for basic vocabulary and phrases. It’s like flashcards on steroids. It’s quick, repetitive, and has pictures. Moreover, it seems to follow a logical process to make sure you’ve learned the word. It starts with basic flashcards that show the Bosnian word, vocalize the Bosnian word, and then shows the English word right below. The point is for recognition. When you’re ready, you move on to traditional flashcard mode. This is followed by a process that shows the Bosnian word and then asks you to type the English meaning. The final step is called “produce it”, where you are shown the English word and are asked to first say, and then write the Bosnian equivalent. The best feature of the entire thing is that it refuses to let you move on to the next step until it thinks you’ve successfully learned the material. Brilliant. It’s not a pretty process. I sometimes found it monotonous and tedious, but I can’t argue with the results. It’s quick and effective if you’re willing to grind it out. This is what I tell myself at least. The only pitfall is that my free trial version has a very limited vocabulary list that doesn’t allow you to add your own vocabulary list or pictures. The deluxe version does. Dear Global Studio, please purchase the deluxe version.
I italicized “quick” in the last paragraph because I had a motivating discovery during my sessions with the language partner this last week. Comprehensions and answering questions in the language you are trying to learn requires a level of mastery I had not underestimated. The reading I mentioned above alluded to the idea that we take for granted the number of cerebral processes which go into the language learning process. During my sessions, I thought that I knew certain words, which I did, but not to a degree I thought was very respectable. I had to pause and think for at least 2 to 3 seconds to figure out how to say simple things such as “I am great”, or “green”, “six”, or “Ms.” It was irritating. This was actually the experience that led me to Byki. In sum, I want Byki as means to drill and kill, to master the vocabulary so that I can comprehend and respond quickly and accurately as possible.
2. Grammar: This week was filled with irritation. Maybe I let the first successful week get into my head a little bit. Nevertheless, again, my irritation with my linguistic incompetence drove me to action. More specifically, my inability to put a sentence together has bothered me enough to seek a means to learn how to put a sentence together. I discovered the Bosnian grammar text books that should help me solve this issue. I’m working with basic present tense verbs and conjugations this week.
3. Grammar Sounds/Intonations/Idioms Expressions: Having this category spelled out helps me to refine the role of the language learner and language partner. Several times this last week, I’d have the correct vocabulary word but wrong intonation, pronunciation, etc. In my experiences, it seems that the more I know and put into preparing for the practice sessions, the more I get out of them, the more my language partner has to work with.
"It’s not a pretty process"..."monotonous and tedious"..."irritation"... sounds like you are having fun!
Are you a more visual learner? If so, I recommend taking sticky notes and putting them everywhere around your room in your apartment/dorm and that way every time you look at something, you will be learning new vocabulary.