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This article was really quite stimulating. I had been thinking of this very topic (in a less lavish manor) during class. How do stereotypes come about? I feel as though the author was suggesting that stereotypes are a product of our different view points and those view points become references for judging others. I feel as though this is pretty spot on. When you think about it, it makes sense. For example, I have a soft spoken friend and he and I were talking to a girl from London. She was just below my voice when it came to loudness. After talking to her and walking away my friend said that she was obnoxious and when I probed (because I didn't think she was) he said that she was just really loud like all of the people from England. I was not shocked that he said this because he rarely speaks and when he does it is hard to understand him because he is so soft spoken. I told him what I thought and we moved on. Little did I realize we were portraying this article perfectly. Looking back the entire situation makes sense. I found this article kind of a breath of fresh air in that it presented an argument that I had never thought and made it convincing enough form me to think of examples in my own life.
This article was a good read and spot on.