Reflect paper #2

I do have one more meeting with Isaac, but I would say that, overall, this semester and my experience have been extremely successful. Not only did I achieve what I set out to do, I went beyond my expectations. I realized that when there is no stress from academics/testing, I thrive. I was able to retain knowledge a lot better and also loved learning about things I wanted to learn about rather than being forced. I also really enjoyed working with Isaac, he made things very low stress and helped me get thought complex tasks. One of the hardest things for me was pronunciation, while Korean does not have a lot of letters in the Hangul alphabet there are some tricky rules you must learn in order to master the language. One aspect I enjoyed was the collaborative aspect of the class, Isaac was able to make it very interaction based instead of just having me do pen and paper asssigments, we watched videos, read stories and much more in order to make learning fun. My plan for next semester is to continue learning Korean, that being said I am planning on working with Emily or Jason, I hope to keep checking off goals on my learning plan. Isaac and I spent a lot of time reading childrens stories at the end of the semester, these stories were very simple which made using context clues easy. I was able to work on my pronunciation along with fluency while gaining more vocabulary. One thing I would like to work on more is my writing, while we did do bit of writing this semester it was mainly focused on reading and speaking which was awesome! I am looking forward to next semester to continue my Korean journey. 

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  • I've heard great things about Emily and Jason (I actually know both of them personally). You have made great progress Logan, I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your journey down Korean alley.

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