My progress to date has been smooth and steady. In the main, I have been on schedule. My learning plan has been effective if a bit too ambitious. (Historically, my learning plans have been too ambitious. I think that I do this intentionally at the beginning of the semester so as to push me throughout the semester.) My learning plan has been quite effective because it is contained. It revolves around completing the level 3 Bahasa Indonesia book. For each chapter, I have completed activities that are tantamount to language artifacts. It is an excellent source for activities -- be they written, oral, and listening. For this reason, I chose to stick closely with the book and not be adventurous with other sources. However, the volume of the material could be deceiving for someone who is learning independent of a classroom environment. I used the same bock (Level 2) for my studies at the University of Melbourne last semester, and I found the pace of my learning and the volume of the material to be more manageable.
I have met with my language learning partner consistently every week. In our meetings, we cover reading, speaking, and writing activities.
I will stay the course for now. I do not anticipate any changes I will make to finish the semester. I look forward to taking SDLC 113 next semester!