The content of this artifact is a document containing the english quote from Karl Marx's “Capital” and my version of a translation of that quote. The task was chosen with the goal to develop formal presentational writing skills. In this case, the formal context is that of political and economic theory. This context was successful in achieve the goal of the task not only by making me translate words relevant to politics, but also by making me to realize that when translating words that have specific definitions within the context of an academic theory I must be use a Bhasa Indonesia counterpart of that word which is commonly accepted by Indonesian academics to have the same definition within the context of the particular academic field. Acquiring formal written presentational skills is hang in glove with my cultural goal of being able to communicate to Indonesian academics, express my political views and describe abstract ideas.
I provide the document below. Upon reading the english quote, one learns that it is from Part II Chapter 6 of Marx's Capital. Here Marx has already described his view that the exchange of all material commodities requires the creation of a special commodity called money. Firstly, the quote is talking about how extraction of surplus value from the M-C-M' (use money to buy commodities and then sell commodities to get more money) transaction brands money as capital. Secondly, the quote also hints at how a capitalist can create surplus value by purchasing the labor-power of others.
As I previously mentioned, I consider that the greatest lesson and challenge of this task was finding the Bhasa Indonesia counterparts to certain specific words that Marx uses. For example, I found that capital is modal, use-value is nilai-pakaninya, exchange-value is nilai-tukarnya and labor power is tenaga-kerja. The source of these defined words is Oey Hay Djoen's popular “Perang Gerilya”, which despite being about Che's guerrla war contains the Bhasa Indonesia counterparts to Marx's definitions.