Turkish doesn't quite work like English. It has some major structural differences. For instance, In Turkish, the verb goes goes at the end of the sentence and the most common word order follows the "subject-object-verb" formula. For example "He is eating a banana" would translate as 'o bir muz yiyor" , where "yiyor" is the verb. The order of the words can sometimes be alternated to emphasize certain words in a sentence and the emphasized word is the closest to the verb. The adjectives in Turkish work like English or Russian. The adjective usually goes before the noun. For instance, "yellow banana"would translate as "sarı muz", where muz is banana, and sari is yellow. Turkish also allows to build up words through suffixes: -lı/ -li/ -lu/ -lü, for instance are used to turn nouns into adjectives. Examples would be tuz-tuzlu, meaning salt-salty. Suffixes -sız/ -siz/ -suz/ -süz are added to the noun to express absence of the noun. an example would be ev-home and evsiz-homeless. Suffixes -cı, -ci, -cu, -cü (-çı, -çi, -çu, -çü). are used to express professions from the words( Diş - dişçi mean tooth and dentist. -lık, -lik, -luk, -lük are used to express specific nouns from adjectives, such as çocuk-çocukluk meaning child-childhood. Ler/Lar are used to form the plural of the nouns in Turkish, such as ev-evler. are used Also, in colloquial speech, the verb's place in the sentence can vary, although the written language has a specific structure that I mentioned above.
I think the mentioned points are the most basic structural features of the Turkish language. I believe knowing these structures and especially learning all the suffixes that form words will help me learn the basics of the language more easily. I think practicing exercises will help me remember these structures better. I think reference grammar can be really helpful to maintain good skills of the language, however I believe, simple practice of written and spoken exercises help me better in my language learning process. The combination of both, on the other hand, will help me acquire skills faster and better.