Link to my Learning Plan:
I organized my self-directed learning plan by breaking my goals down into eight smaller tasks that I can feasibly accomplish. All of these tasks will help me improve the four aspects of my language skills. So far, I learned that learning a language is may not be as hard as I thought, especially with all the resources that are available to us on the internet. I also realized that language learning does not have to be boring. I do not plan to read any textbooks about Korean because I think I learn better from active engagement and fun activities. The ‘curriculum’ that I set for myself will allow me to investigate my target language and culture more deeply because the majority of my learning activities include interaction with some form of Korean material, whether it be Korean movies, dramas, music, or news article. Using these as tools for my language learning will allow me to learn more deeply about Korean culture.
I became interested in furthering my Korean language skills because as a Korean-American, I am heavily engaged with my Korean community at home. I want to be able to confidently speak Korean to other Koreans, especially native Korean speakers. For Korean-Americans, it can be considered impolite to speak in English to an older Korean adult who is talking to you in Korean. This is because no formality exists in the English language. I want to avoid these types of awkward situations and have everyday conversations with other Koreans with ease. Studying abroad in South Korea last semester also motivated me to gain a deeper understanding of Korean culture and my heritage.