My Korean Learning Plan

My Learning Plan

Learner Name: Ariana

Semester: Spring 2021

Language: Korean

Course: SDLC 105, 110


Where are you now?  What can you do?  What do you know?

Use the Levels of Competence document and the LinguaFolio® checklists to assess your current abilities in your language.  For more information, see the SDLAP Wiki.

Interpersonal Communication  - B1


Interpretive Listening - B1


Interpretive Reading - A2


Presentational Speaking - A1


Presentational Writing - A1



What is your ultimate goal?  What is your goal for this semester?

What do you want to be able to do with this language at the end of this semester and in the future?

 I want to be able to write and type and understand professional documents and to understand a higher level of comprehension in Korean (ie political debates, national news).

 I want to learn proper grammar and syntax and more vocabulary and be able to read books of varying difficulty: easy fiction novels to in depth conversations with the author.

 I also want to be able to translate from Korean to English and vice versa in writing, and conversation and understand cultural aspects of Korea as well and certain differences between Korean-Americans and native Koreans.

What tasks will you complete and what activities will you do this semester to meet your goals?  How will you document and evaluate your progress?

Novice learners should consult the ‘Language Tasks’ page of the SDLAP Wiki and incorporate the required tasks in their learning.  Be as specific as possible when planning activities, e.g., “I will watch YouTube videos to learn how to talk about the family.” or “I will consult a grammar text to learn about possessives.”  Make sure you include some tasks that are relevant to your interests, e.g., “I will learn to understand soccer commentary.” or “I will learn to talk about the stock market.”  Culture and language are, of course, inseparable.  It is expected that all your language will be culturally appropriate and that every task will contribute to your cultural competence.


Task 1


Type of Task

__5_ Interpersonal Communication __2_ Presentational Speaking

__4_ Interpretive Listening               _1__ Presentational Writing

__3_ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

Write a daily journal entry in Korean in handwriting

Watch a video or movie weekly and comprehend with and without subtitles and be able to write a reflection paper on it in Korean

Be able to converse with tutor and classmates mostly/fully in Korean

Do activities such as listening to music and reading books in Korean when possible

Talk to other native Koreans as much as possible

Make a weekly vocabulary words and actively engage them in conversation and writing/text as much as possible

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

Through editing from my tutor and rewriting my diary and incorporating the corrected grammar/syntax/vocabulary as well as reading comprehension test and watching subtitled movies and shows on either netflix or youtube, make flashcards of vocabulary and conjugated forms (weekly new words)

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

I will and already have my diary and will have the edits as hardcopies as well and online and I will also have written assessments of my reflection paper as well as texts via phone will document my typing errors. I will also scan my documents.

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I will do a weekly assessment (asking my tutor to assess me and my progress) or biweekly depending on how much I progressed. It will be both reading comprehension and grammar/syntax writing and a little speaking.

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