Having experienced living in Israel, much of the body language, expressivity, formality and informality, culture, and customs are second nature to me. I have made a list of things that in my opinion stand out and what their underlying meaning or explanation is:
Culture is affected by being a nation made of up immigrants with a national endorsement of the melting pot theory and establishment of a signature Israeli culture. The size of the nation and its perceived threats has increased the emphasis on family life and focus on familial relations. The demand for cultivating a state, creating an economy, and a living has shaped the lifestyle of the Israeli. Finally, as a people, there are a number of stereotypes, which are specifically well exhibited in the Zohan clip that I have posted on the ning. Some of these characteristics include general informality, and emphatic expressivity. These can be seen in the following body language nuances, which I thought were best described as “Talking like an Israeli is a full body sport.”
* Hand out in a pinched formation – “rega” – hold on a moment
* The lip shrug accompanied with a bit of a shoulder shrug – I don’t know, not my problem
* Instructional finger – demonstrating authority of knowledge
* Forefinger thumb touch – I really really mean it
* Two handed beckon – trying to convince the person you’re speaking to, such as in a sale – exemplified by a move into their personal space, raised chin & eyebrows, and extended hands out by the waist
In regards to punctuality, timing is generally relaxed and informal in Israel. However, this clearly varies depending on the social situation. If the meeting is business related, punctuality in a capitalistic state is extremely valued in comparison to a social gathering.
Having done some research on the Internet, I found a couple of great videos and sites that I have posted on my page and in the Hebrew learning group that illustrate these and others. The most informative aspect of this research however, is that much of the body language and expression existing in Israel is extremely similar to that of other Mediterranean nations such as Italy and Greece.