project (2)


Sharing my bibliography for the final:

Boggs, Laurie. “Language Development in Deaf Babies.” Lifeprint, 30 Apr. 2008,

Dougherty, Elizabeth. “Getting the Word In.” Boston University | The Brink, 6 Mar. 2017,

Parogni, Ilaria. “‘It’s Who I Am’: Why Name Signs Matter in ASL.” The New York Times, 16 July 2021,

Schembri, Dr. Adam. “How Do Children Learn Sign Languages?” Aussie Deaf Kids, May 2005,

“Sign Language for Parents.” National Association of the Deaf, 2022,

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Instructor Interview

Before you listen to this, be aware that I did go over time. I felt that it was worth keeping this length because the flow of our conversation and her answers improved and felt more developed towards the end of the interview once we had lost the jitters. Also, she is a mom and her two year old daughter joins us to share her opinion on hair clips and cookies around the 12 minute mark. Lastly, when I first used this software two years ago it was free and that is no longer the case. This interview cost me six dollars today; my Venmo is @RosaLovo, if you feel so inclined. Thanks for the listen! Have a good break!

Zencastr Podcast

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