#progress (1)

blog post 3

March 28

I have a harder time keeping up with my daily diary, but I still try to write entries when I remember to since that itself is the hardest task! I'm keeping up with texting and typing in Korean when I can and I switched over from free hand writing and scanning the image and sending it to my tutor, to typing in Google Docs and then seeing how it auto-corrects my writing and then double checking that it is the correct word that I am going for. This enforces vocabulary AND spelling so I do like that I switched over and also it helps me get used to the Korean typing and I hope to memorize the keystrokes in Korean and I hope to quiz myself over it and memorize it so I'm not constantly looking down at my keyboard, but focusing on just my spelling accuracy instead multi-focusing on finding the correct keystrokes and also spelling accuracy. I took up reading small blurbs like instagram posts and facebook posts in Korean and texting my parents in Korean as well (I used to just read in Korean and text back in English, but now I am trying to text back in Korean as well). I also bring up Korean subtitles instead of English or if there is option for both, I try to read both English and Korean subtitles as it helps watching videos with subtitles and reading it in English helps expand my vocabulary while reading it in Korean helps with my spelling and knowing how a Korean word and sentence is formed. In our tutoring sessions, we have been watching a show weekly with writing reflections in Korean as well as writing diary entries every day in Korean and submitting it to our tutor. We have been talking in Korean as well and if we say something that is awkwardly phrased or grammatically incorrect, our tutor corrects us (me and my language partner, Rachel), but mostly it's just me being corrected! Hahaha! My strategies from last time such as typing into Google Docs and continuing to type in Korean has been going well, still struggle in them, but I am definitely making progress! It's definitely exciting to see the progress, and although I have a harder time seeing my own progress, I hope that I make a net movement of going forward!

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