Overall, I am very pleased with my ability to meet my goals set out in my learning plan.
Interpretive Listening: I gave considerable effort to listening to Game speak. Even when I couldn't understand everything that he was saying, I continued to listen and attempted to piece together his sentences. It was very helpful to guess what he said at times and have him fill me in on the exact meaning behind each word. We also applied this same method to numerous Thai movies that I watched and review with Game.
Interpersonal Speaking: I kept up on learning 5 new vocabulary words every day. It was difficult to utilize these words in conversations with Game in a way that I would actually remember them. We developed strategies to pick topics ahead of time, so I could go out on my own and learn words relevant to the specific topic.
Presentational Speaking: I never presented an entire Thai presentation to a large audience but I prepared adequately for each of my spoken artifacts so I feel confident enough to have presented those to an audience.
Presentational Writing: It was difficult at first to find a systematic approach to my random habits of transliteration. I worked with Game utilizing his knowledge of linguistics to help hone this down.
Personal Goals: I was happy to meet with numerous Thai-speaking students throughout the semester, mostly Carter, Game, and Sobpisa. Meeting new people also helped boost my confidence because they were impressed with my ability to carry on basic introductory conversations with ease. Unfortunately, I never took the opportunity to conduct a mock interview in Thai mostly because I did not receive job offers from the Thai-based organizations I had originally hoped to work for.
It was very interesting to be able to continue with learning a language that I thought was hardly used in the United States without having to travel anywhere. I hope to pursue other avenues and get to know other Thai speakers so I don't lose what I have learned and hopefully can learn more. Although I will be working as a teacher in rural Mississippi where there is not bound to be a plethora of Thai-speakers, I hope to continue to practice via skype or just reviewing my notes so that when I return to Thailand in the future I will be able to communicate effectively.