Learning Plan

Over the years, I have learned how I am very much a visual and an auditory learner. I've also learned that I study most effectively through making notecards, watching lectures on materials, and allowing enough time for repetition. I was inspired to learn about ASL through interacting with a guest at my job at Chick-fil-A. It was soon after then that I learned about how there is a significant deaf community in Richmond, and I wanted to be able to communicate with them.

Due to this, I've organized my self-directed learning plan to mostly consist of videos, gifs, and much interaction with either other people learning ASL or directly trying to communicate with individuals who sign ASL and are deaf/hard of hearing. In addition to common resources many people refer to when learning ASL (LifePrint, SignSchool) I've found YouTubers such as SignDuo and Our Signed World to be incredibly helpful as they are the channels made from individuals who are deaf. Another resource that I recently learned about is Deaf Family Matters on Instagram. This page has not only allowed me to learn more about deaf culture, but has taught me about some ableism and discriminations that deaf citizens face. It has also has exposed me to new terms that I would most likely not cover in a "traditional" ASL class.


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