Learning Plan

My Learning Plan

Learner Name: Annabelle Chung

Semester: Spring 2020

Language: Korean

Course: SDLC 105 & SDLC 110


Where are you now?  What can you do?  What do you know?

Use the Levels of Competence document and the LinguaFolio® checklists to assess your current abilities in your language.  For more information, see the SDLAP Wiki.

Interpersonal Communication

Developing 1

Interpretive Listening

Developing 1

Interpretive Reading

Developing 1

Presentational Speaking

Developing 1

Presentational Writing

Developing 1


What is your ultimate goal?  What is your goal for this semester?
What do you want to be able to do with this language at the end of this semester and in the future?

My ultimate goal is to communicate fluently with native speakers. By the end of the semester, I hope to have improved my writing—spelling and grammar.


What tasks will you complete and what activities will you do this semester to meet your goals?  How will you document and evaluate your progress?

Novice learners should consult the ‘Language Tasks’ page of the SDLAP Wiki and incorporate the required tasks in their learning.  Be as specific as possible when planning activities, e.g., “I will watch YouTube videos to learn how to talk about the family.” or “I will consult a grammar text to learn about possessives.”  Make sure you include some tasks that are relevant to your interests, e.g., “I will learn to understand soccer commentary.” or “I will learn to talk about the stock market.”  Culture and language are, of course, inseparable.  It is expected that all your language will be culturally appropriate and that every task will contribute to your cultural competence.


Task 1

Have a text conversation in Korean

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

Learn spacing in words, sentence structure

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

Grammar books, Jimin

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

Text my family members in Korean

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

My mother and grandmother already text me in Korean so as I learn more vocabulary and grammar, I will be able to accomplish this task.



Task 2

Have a conversation using minimal English

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

Korean slang, basic phrases

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

Only speak Korean with Jimin and family members

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

Have phone conversations with family members in Korean

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I speak with my mother and grandmother regularly, both of whom only communicate with me in Korean, so I will be able to accomplish this task as I increase my vocabulary.


Task 3

Understand Kpop without looking at translated lyrics

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)


How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

Listen to Kpop, Jimin

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

Write down what I think the meaning of a song is and then compare with actual lyrics

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I regularly listen to Kpop so I will be able to accomplish this task once I learn more vocabulary.


Task 4

Read Korean news articles

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)

Vocabulary, grammar

How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)

Read Korean news articles, Jimin

How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

Write down what I think an article is about and compare to translated text

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

This task will probably be my most difficult since it relies on more advanced terminology


Task 5

Be able to use my phone in Korean

Type of Task

___ Interpersonal Communication     ___ Presentational Speaking
___ Interpretive Listening                   ___ Presentational Writing
___ Interpretive Reading


What do I need to learn to complete this task?  (goal)


How will I learn? (learning activities and resources)


How will I document what I have learned?  (artifacts)

Keep track of how many times I switch my phone back to the English setting

How well can I accomplish this task?  (self-assessment)

I have attempted to do this in the past and I was decently able to use my phone but I always switched it back since using English was faster, but as I learn more vocabulary I will be able to accomplish this task.

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