A) My First Artifact contains a lot more than just a normal conversation, but I think that I can do pretty well just talking to someone, especially someone I have met for the first time. I can sign my name and I can recognize the letters of the alphabet when someone else signs their name. I can tell someone where I am from and I can also tell someone that I am learning ASL, so they know not to expect too much. Because I know so many random signs, I can often watch a conversation and catch a word here or there, but I don't always know exactly what is going on.
B) I've definitely progressed in the everyday language goal. I'm learning different foods, colors, clothing, how to ask for things, etc. The religion goal has been a little bit more difficult, but I have learned some new things. For example, whenever you talk about God, you always sign on the right side of your body. I am right-handed, so theoretically, this shouldn't be too difficult, but when I want to copy what someone else is saying, I have to remember to do it on the opposite side.
The music goal is a little harder to reach, mostly because it is not something that deaf people talk about often. I did learn, though, that the sign for "music," "song," and "sing" is the same, so you just need to pay attention to what context it is used in. I did learn a few more signs, like "choir" and "artist." If I want to talk about a particular musician, I would just have to spell out their name.