How have you started to write in the target language? Do you prefer to type or write free hand? Have you started to see patterns emerge in the structures between words, clauses, and sentences? What is the relationship between simple and complex sentences? How does your knowledge of parts of speech, government, and agreement affect your ability to communicate in written contexts? Provide a sample of several short meaningful writing exercises from your target language.
Since I am not currently in the actual Korean class, I haven’t been actually studying the language, but for writing, whenever I text my parents, I attempt to write the messages in Korean. Writing in Korean is my weakest area. Writing texts in Korean is hard because I haven’t truly learned the grammar. So, I tend to write short, casual sentences. I also rely heavily on autocorrect, because spelling in Korean is so confusing and hard.
Here are some examples of a few of my recent text messages with my mom.
하이 엄마 —> Hi mom
아이패드로 문자를 보냈다 ㅋㅋㅋ —> I sent that message with the iPad lol
(Context: I recently got a new iPad.)
Since I only practice Korean writing when I text, I have only been typing instead of also writing on paper. Writing free hand would help me remember what I learned better, but I don’t have a big reason to do so for now. Because I‘m taking Japanese, I noticed that its basic overall grammar structure is very similar to Korean’s. I realized that Korean also relies on patterns with particles that indicate the topic/subject, direct object, and even prepositions. When I speak in Korean, I tend to drop most of the particles, so practicing writing is a good way to force myself to use correct grammar. Knowing more about the parts of speech and agreement helps me to be more conscious of the grammar structure when speaking the language. I think Korean becomes very complex because there are many different phrases to express the same or similar thing or idea.
I relate to using the autocorrect a lot. Although I've spoken and written Korea for awhile, I see myself being somewhat dependent on the autocorrect, which is one of the reasons why I like typing better. I hope everything's going well!