Learning Journal #9

Reflect on your experiences of (trying to) read and write in your target language. Are you bilingual? If so, would you agree with the arguments made in the two readings on bilingualism?

While reflecting on my experiences of reading and writing in Korean, I would say I am nowhere near being bilingual (under the term’s connotative interpretation). I would, however, say that I am bilingual in English and Castilian (both languages I grew up with), and French (a third language I learned in school and have used regularly while abroad). After watching “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain” in class, I think that my relationship with Korean may at most place me under the term, subordinate bilingual, which is, according to the video, someone who processes a target language through one’s primary language. This is because although I am able to read hangul and understand some words in Korean, I am unable to understand the majority of what is said in conversation or what is said in articles I’ve tried reading, as most written pieces focus on topics and writing styles that are well beyond what I’ve been covering in my learning plan. Additionally, I have not reached the level at which I would be able to think in Korean to process aspects of Korean linguistics: I continue to filter Korean through English.

With respect to the readings, I do not agree with Bhattacharjee’s position that characterizes bilinguals as smarter than monolinguals. The author recognizes that the brain’s executive function is increased as a result of knowing more than one language, but the writer stretches this information by assuming and suggesting that executive function (which is a system of cognitive processes) equates directly with intelligence. As such, I agree with Bialystok, who is cited in Ossola’s piece and who argues that it is problematic when people interpret scientific conclusions – which state that bilinguals and monolinguals use executive function differently –to argue that one group is more intelligent than the other. As discussed in the article, people may reach the misconception that bilinguals are smarter than monolinguals as studies show that bilinguals have increased executive function (when compared to monolinguals) which “can help [bilinguals] do a lot of things that may make them seem smarter, such as doing a lot of things at once and cancelling out distractions” (Ossola). Nevertheless, one should not forget, as mentioned in the article, that the two (intelligence and executive function) are not the same. Therefore, one cannot assume that bilinguals are more intelligent than monolinguals on the basis of increased executive function.




Bhattacharjee, Yudhijit. “Why Bilinguals Are Smarter.” The New York Times, 17 Mar. 2012. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/18/opinion/sunday/the-benefits-of-bilingualism.html.

Nacamulli, Mia. The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain - Mia Nacamulli. YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMmOLN5zBLY. Accessed 13 Apr. 2018.

Ossola, Alexandra. “Are Bilinguals Really Smarter?” Scienceline, 29 July 2014, http://scienceline.org/2014/07/are-bilinguals-really-smarter/.

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  • Thank you Jessica and Yixi!

    While learning French and while bettering my Castilian, I would, at times, mix up languages unconsciously. There would be times when I would begin a sentence in French and finish it in Castilian without even realizing it. There was even a time when I started speaking in French, moved on to Castilian, then English, and then back to French. I didn't realize the changes I made while I spoke. Regardless, I think what helped me better my proficiency in other languages was continuous practice and immersion. It wasn't until I went to France that I began to truly be able to control myself when speaking in French. That being said, whenever people ask for advice, I always recommend that they try to practice their target language daily and if given the opportunity, one should immerse themselves in an environment where that language is spoken. This would enable the person to become more familiarize with the target culture as well. 

  • I agree with your viewpoint on whether bilinguals are more intelligent than monolinguals on the basis of increased executive function. Executive function should not be regarded the same as intelligence. I also think that it is amazing how our brain could handle so many languages at the same time. Sometimes, I will have dreams in both Chinese and Japanese at the same time, which fascinates me a lot. And you are almost Quadrilingual! How have you been able to deal with all the languages at the same time? Are there any tips for new language learner on how to not mix languages up?

  • English, Castilian, and French! I think that it is very amazing that you know so many languages. I was wondering why you chose to learn Korean this semester. I feel as though Korean is a language that is more far off than the languages that you know. 

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