Learning Journal #7

I have been having so much fun learning Korean so far! I really feel like I have found a strategy that works well for me and every time I learn something new, I become excited to keep learning more. I don't think that I would change anything in my learning plan, but perhaps I could try to spend more time weekly to keep practicing what I have learned so far. I plan to keep writing in my journal and practicing both my writing and verbal skills. I really like supplementing my language learning with my cultural learning—one cannot go without the other. Overall, I feel as though I am making good progress and I am being as elaborate as possible. 

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  • That's great! I've been enjoying my language journey as well, and I was just writing about how language is intertwined with culture.  I think it's very important to study culture along with language because they enhance each other.  I'm going to try and implement it more in my lesson plan next time because it was really fun learning about it during class.  

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