Language serves as the means of communication across the world. However, language in each country is very different This can be attributed to the historical derivation of each country's language. Each country experiences a different process to develop the current language that they utilize. The final language developed in a country is a product of various historical occurrences. Several of the major factors I have seen in the development of language are the influence of other developed countries on less developed countries, the regional area and environment, and the overall culture of the country. Languages are also heavily influenced by the different customs and traditions in the country. For example, in South Korea, there is a high level of respect towards elders in the culture. When you address someone who is older than you in Korea, you must address them in a way that illustrates respect for your elders. Each country possesses distinguishing characteristics that are not only portrayed in the way they live, but also in the way they speak.
Understanding a language's history helps you understand the culture of a country. Language serves as the most essential part of any community because it serves as the way people express themselves and communicate. By understanding the language of a country, you inherently learn more about the way you should communicate.