Omer Genosar
I absolutely LOVED the culture shock video, I related to it in many ways. I never thought of culture shock as a multi-step phenomenon in which it is expected to have an immediate high proceeded by a what-the-heck moment of home sickness and then ended with acclimation to the new environment. I related with the culture shock video because personally, I feel as if I am stuck between two different cultures and so if I am in Israel I get a certain culture shock (although minimal) but then after a month in Israel, when I come back to the states I get another culture shock just because I acclimate so quickly to Israeli culture and society. I’m sure that I am not the only one who gets these feelings and so I think it is important to note that culture shocks come even to a person who is fairly acclimated to more than one society. I wonder if study abroad students have a culture shock when they come back to their original home?