I first tried learning the list simply by reading and speaking it over and over. This didn't stick. I then, in groups of 5 or so, wrote and spoke them over and over. This repetition worked really well, and now I know quite a few of the words - though I still need to work on some further down the list.
I also watched an animation in farsi about a family on youtube. First there were some quick statements about the family, which after a few times through I could pick out the words for mother, father, and sister. Then, the written form of "family" was shown and repeated - I found I could pick out the letters and sounds in the word easily. Finally, with a cute little animation, the words were spoken over and over, "Mother, Father, Daughter, Son." I don't know how much this will help me, since I already remembered those words, but I now have an auditory reference for the basic family words.