- In your learning journal, post (a) an evaluation of your First Artifact conversation, and (b) an assessment of how well you met your learning goals for weeks 4 and 5.
- Artifacts are evaluated for accent, cultural appropriateness, and linguistic accuracy.
I just want to say, I find it so painful to listen to myself speak in a recording. Especially in another language. That aside, I felt that my first artifact was good. I had been meeting my language partner for about a week and a half already before I recorded it and my intro was something we were already working on together. That really helped my confidence during my recording of the first artifact. For every goal I have, we usually have a script she writes out for me and a recording she does for me too. Both of these extremely help in studying Korean because I'm both an auditory and visual learner. I know that I can improve greatly on being less awkward and more smooth with my Korean, but that just takes practice. I think my Korean accent is okay, sometimes it's still weird to speak certain sounds we don't use in English but for the most part, Suyeon corrects me when I'm really using a thick English accent. My learning goals for week 4 and 5 are being met really well. Suyeon is super amazing and she's really making sure that I'm on track with everything I want to learn and also reiterating what we're learning together. I also am trying my best to study every day with Korean. I do watch Korean shows daily to help me be immersed in the language somehow, even if that's not writing or speaking it. So far, I'm on track with everything I've been hoping to do and I think that I'll be able to continue strong in this fashion.