The presentation day in class was very eye-opening. I found it interesting to learn about so many cultures and their unique practices. The two presentations I found particularly intriguing were about Pakistani languages and South Korean plastic surgery.
I found it incredible that a country as relatively small as Pakistan has 26 different languages. I think it's admirable to try and learn as many of the languages as possible, so he is able to venture to different parts of the country and interact with the native people.
For the South Korean plastic surgery presentation, I found it most shocking that 20% of men are wearing make-up on a day-to-day basis. In our culture, it's not even a thought for a man to put on make-up before he leaves his house or apartment for the day. However, the video she showed of the man applying many different forms of make-up was shocking to me.
Overall, these presentations enlightened me on many different practices I didn't even know existed. It is my hope throughout the semester that I continue to learn more about these cultures that I don't often learn about in my other classes.