Same as any normal child, I learn language from making voice to putting words together. It seems like people are following the same part of paths to learning language, no matter which language you are learning. One important thing that I realize when I study Chinese is the creativity of the language. Especially for Chinese, it is interesting that people saying the same words with different tones have different meanings. And the creativity of the language allows people to use different combinations of words to communicate. The way people communicate also shows people’s personality.
The remarkable thing that I start to think about language, is that language have some systematic pattern and structure. For example, the basic one structure in English is noun plus verb. I am not sure what pattern or sentence structure do Korean have and whether that is different from English. I know that for Korean, they use different sentence structure when they talk to different people. It is similar to Japanese. I think once I learn more about Korean, I will learn more about it.
Also, for Korean, it is more phonetics, which means the sound of the words and the written words are the same. This makes Korean learning much more easy.