I also liked how the article addresses issues such as attitude and motivation. The topics discussed in the article can apply to all aspects of one's life, not just autonomous learning. The success of any activity, not just language learning, is contingent on a person's motivation and sense of self- a desire to improve all aspects of the world around you. Yes, it seems a little far fetched, but I think a lot of people either lack motivation or their motivation is driven by monetary incentives.
I thought that the Crystal reading was interesting, apart from the chapter on how the brain handles language. It might just be because I am an accounting major, but all of the scientific terms gave me a slight headache. :) I did however, like how Crystal explained that slips of the tongue are not involuntary.
Reflecting on the reading as a whole, the structure of this class appears to foster an environment that is the most conducive to autonomous learning. Now I just have to remember to take the necessary risks.