Turkish Alphabets
In class we touched on alphabets, which is the very basic of the language. Different from English, there are 29 alphabets in Turkish, the weird thing about Turkish alphabets is that there is an particular alphabet that does not have a sound, which is ğ. The point of this alphabet is that is prolongs the sound of the alphabet preceding it. My goal is to master how to pronounce all the alphabets. Gokhan first read us all of them, some of them are the same as English alphabets so we learn it easily. But there are ones we cannot pronounce, so for those ones, I ask our language partner to record it. And I will listen to them twice every day, it does not require a lot time but it is really efficient. Besides, I will review the whole alphabets before every class. The learning of Turkish alphabets is the fundamental. After we learned the alphabets, Gokhan showed us some simple words, and we can pronounce them nearly precise. The learning of Turkish alphabets enables us to pronounce simple word. And this little accomplishment really boosts my interest.