In addition to discussing the resources (see above), outline how you have begun to work on your first language tasks.
One resource that I would definitely utilize in the Global Studio is the Korean language textbooks that are available. Since I would like to learn Korean, I believe that it would be best if I utilized a pragmatic way to approaching to learning the language as opposed to my freestyling my way through it. With the help of my TA, I would like to use the textbooks to accomplish my goals for the semester.
The second resource I will definitely utilize is the movie room. I see this as not only a practical way to increase my knowledge of the language and culture, but also as a fun activity that I could benefit a lot from. I could challenge myself to watch the movie without subtitles and summarize the movie after watching it.
Mango languages, BYKI are extremely useful learning guides for me, in that they provide a free software platform for me to able to learn Korean on. Mango helps me translate English phrases into Korean, as this is an extremely useful tool for me. Many of the times when I talk in Korean, I have to process what I want to say in English first, and then translate it into Korean. By utilizing this, I am not only able to expand my vocabulary, but become a lot more comfortable at translating what I want to say into Korean. The Youtube channel that I bookmarked on Diigo teaches how to say certain Korean phrases based on certain situations. It also expands my vocabulary, which is a primary goal of mine this semester. Another thing that I have bookmarked is a website that translates Korean lyrics in songs to English. This will be useful to me as I hope to listen to Korean music as a way to expand my knowledge in Korean, and I will be able to understand what the songs are saying.
I have begun to do my first language tasks by using the language learning channel on Youtube that I bookmarked on Diigo and what was available to me on the Mango site. I reinforced my knowledge on greetings, introductions, and farewells, making sure I knew how not only to spell it properly, but to say it both formally and informally, which is a vital aspect in the Korean language.
For the classroom life and survival, I used Mango to learn the basics of what is necessary. I am learning to translate certain phrases and increasing my vocabulary knowledge.