Learning Journal #1
The readings helped me begin to try and construct an efficient way of learning for myself. Learning about the brain and its dominant sides helped me realize that I might be better at categorizing and creating logical organizations instead of possibly recognizing global patterns (which I think I need for learning a foreign language). The most important thing I learned was that one of the best ways of learning is by experiencing the activity through several ways-- through giving my body different feedbacks that can be received through different senses. I should not only hear the language, but I should try and speak the language for myself switching back and forth-- thus switching between senses of action and listening. This constant feedback loop will help me learn.
When in the Global studio I mostly looked for online resources; this way I would be able to use them while in my room as well. I was able to find MANY interactive videos that taught basic Urdu greetings and conversational language (which is exactly what I am hoping to achieve as my end goal). One of my favorites was an online cite that asked questions and gave quizzes in between "lessons." I tried out the first Chapter, which was all about introductions. Another was a video which reviewed common Urdu phrases and greetings. They repeated their pronunciation and also showed their spelling. This was the most helpful because seeing how they were spelled helped me create a mental visualization, which in turn helps me learn seeing that I have found that I am mostly a visual learner.
Cultural Post #2
This week I was able to meet with my Language partner twice, in which we were able to discuss formality and informality in the Urdu language. I found out that, according to him, Urdu for the most part is not so formal WHEN SPOKEN. However, in writing it is extremely formal. Seeing that my goal for this course will not be to learn how to write, or the alphabet, I chose to focus on the differences found when speaking the language. We mostly spoke about Pronouns, and how pronouns change depending on who is being addressed.Unlike in English, but similar to my native language Spanish, pronouns hold different formalities. "You" in urdu can be either "tum" "tu" or "ap." Tu would only be used when talking to a close friend, as it would be considered offensive to refer to an elder, or person of higher rank as "tu." Tum is neutral, and then "ap" is the most formal. It is interesting that in Urdu, three different levels exist-- all increasing in rank/authority.