Reflect on the readings. What parts of the brain are most important for the production and comprehension of speech? How do you conceptualize or process meaning? Do these readings bring to mind any questions or motivations that could promote your foreign-language abilities, retention, and recollection?
In the chapter “How the brain handles language”, Crystal (2005) claims that while previous scholars believed in the theory of cerebral localization in which each area of the brain was argued to be responsible for a particular behavioral ability (174), present-day scholars generally take “a multifunctional view” (176) as they argue that the production and comprehension of speech is dependent on several areas of the brain. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that some areas of the brain are more dominant (than others) in particular aspects of the production and comprehension of speech. For instance, the part of the brain in front of the fissure of Rolando is associated with motor functioning and, thus, speaking; the Wernicke’s area is largely responsible for the comprehension of speech; the Broca’s area is associated with the encoding of speech; and the Heschl’sgyriis involved in auditory reception (175). Understanding how areas of the brain function interdependently (with some areas specializing in particular functions) is important to acknowledge, particularly among language learners because this information provides insight into how our brains are structured to learn, acquire, and use what we learn during our autonomous learning experiences.
While reading the “How we mean” chapter, I compared my mode of conceptualizing aspects of language to what Crystal suggested. For instance, I would typically attach a new word to a reference point and occasionally mix it up to other objects. An example of this would be if someone is taught the word “van” and is then shown a van as a reference point. Improper deduction may stem from this as one may mistakenly assume all vehicles are vans. I have made similar mistakes when learning some French words and expressions. Crystal (189) argues that a more effective way to learn a new word or concept from a foreign language is to attach that word to a definition that would help one distinguish objects/situations in which the given word may or may not be applicable. I plan to incorporate Crystal’s method of how to conceptualize new words in my own Korean-language learning experience to limit instances in which I incorrectly use terminology. Overall, this would better my foreign-language abilities as it would require that I associate new words to previously-learned words (and some other new words), making my conceptualization of new vocabulary dependent on other words that I keep in my arsenal of terminology. Therefore, when needed, I would be able to retain and recollect the essence of words without making avoidable errors.