The readings for today's class touched upon the importance of understanding how arbitrary the relationship is between the signifiers and the signified. For example, there is nothing essential or specific that makes the signified object (a chair) be called chair (the signifier). In relation to language learning, it brings home the point that the signified can be called anything, and there are many names for it, depending on the language you are learning.
The very first reading discussed how the left hemisphere is dominant for language for most right-handed learnings. As a righty, this was an interesting fact for me as I have always been analytical when it comes to learning (always understood learning through logical patterns that I had to follow) as opposed to being creative and learning through visuals and spatial processing. Although its not as cut and dry and oversimplification of the brain should be avoided, it makes sense to me now how I caught on to language so quickly over the years. I always had an ear for languages, and although they may be difficult to learn at first, I sensed the patterns and was able to learn fairly easily.