Attached is a body I traced from this website.
I then labeled parts of the body and identified some illnesses or diseases using these websites:
After doing so, I asked my learning partner to check over this. She helped me correct some of the words and informed me of different ways to convey the same (or a very similar) meaning, when talking about some illnesses.
Diego, I think this is such a great artifact! I did something similar in my presentation where I taught people some Quechua terms. I taught them about body parts as well. I think it is smart to include terms related to sickness at the bottom of this page because it related to the body parts you labelled as well as well-being.
Diego, this seems like a very practical skill to know in your target language. Although we never think about illness when we are healthy, it would be extremely important to know the vocabulary incase anything happened. Thank you for coming up with this idea, I definitely want to learn similar vocabulary in my target language as well now. Useful information like this may not always come up in conversation, but it is still important to know.