I decided to teach my friend John the Hebrew body parts and it was quite an experience. I was not expecting the difficulties of teaching her how to pronounce certain words. I have become so used to certain sounds that words are beginning to flow and just sound right pronounced a certain way. The following is my outline for the lesson. It turned out really well.
Learning Plan for Teaching the Body Parts in Hebrew
- Repeat after me
ראש | Head |
כתפיים | Shoulders |
חזה | Chest |
גב | Back |
יד | Hand |
בטן | Stomach |
רגל | Leg |
ירק | Thigh |
שוק | Shin |
ברך | Knee |
- Review body parts five times
- Sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" - ""ראש. כתפיים. ברך. רג
- Review Body Parts again