My language partner (Jannette) started off with some basic assessments to sort of gauge my level of Korean along with finding out some of my interests. We spent a bit of time abroad in Korea together, so this was relatively quick. After catching up we decided on a layout of how we were going to meet. We would have two meetings a week. One as a group with Grace to focus on more of a cultural aspect towards language. The other meeting was a one on one with my language partner in order to focus on personal objectives.
We established a learning plan with my objective to achieve a level of fluency where I’m able to get rid of my American accent. Confidence was a key aspect I really wanted to work on as it helps get rid of the American accent that comes out from time to time. Vocabulary on specific topics that relate to my everyday lifestyle was another focus for me. Things like learning slang and jargon especially in regards to the gym or playing videogames. Korea has a huge video game culture. Texting and typing was also another focus I had in mind.
To achieve these learning objectives we planned to use tools such as games, YouTube, K-drama shows and movies, and Quizlet. For Youtube, we decided to follow a very popular influence in Korea known as Kim Jong-Kook. He is in the entertainment industry but works out heavily and created his Youtube account to post his gym exercises.
As a group we decided to go to local Korean restaurant to kick start our SDLC class. We restricted our interactions to as much Korean as possible, from reading the menu to reflecting on our study abroad experience. Thankfully, the waitress and other employees were actually Korean. Having Korean dishes here with my group made me miss my time in Korea. Although the food was a bit disappointing considering they were Korean.
Overall, I’m excited to continue my language learning journey with a great learning partner and group.