Keep it going...

After having a week off aka Spring break, my brain returned to functioning properly after meeting with Wadia this past Monday. After clearing the cob webs, I remembered the trick she taught us about combing the different sounds of letter. Since I am accustomed to trying to find the vowel within a word, Wadia said that there are three distinct vowel sounds that each word would take, an A, an E, an O (in the best english equivalency I could find) in the beginning of a word, for the majority of them. From here, I was able to start to put together the different consonants of the word and pronounce them. I could recognize the letters and the sounds associated with them and successfully pronounce them after many repititions. Although, I will say I did have some difficutly remembering a few letters in their medial case. Slow and steady, onward we go...

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