Language learning has always been something I have enjoyed, but slightly struggled with. Traditional ways of learning such as repetition, flash cards, memorization, etc. never seemed to work for me. Only after studying abroad four times (Guatemala, Spain, India, and Brazil) and coming in contact with three new languages have I began to understand my unique language learning style.
Generally I am a very independent learner. I prefer working alone rather than in groups, because I value time to plan and think things through before starting. According to the FIRE Model for Integrative Thinking, this makes me an Insightful learner. When I applied my learning style to new languages however, I did not get the same positive results I received in other subjects. As I have now come to understand, this is primarily due to the fact that I learn languages best through music and interpersonal interactions (according to the Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences surveys), contrary to my typical learning style. Sitting in a classroom or studying by myself reviewing conjugation, grammar, and vocabulary did not yield the results I wanted. On the other hand, going to concerts and movies, joining dance classes, and hanging out with new local friends enabled me to acquire Hindi, Spanish, and Portuguese with tremendous speed.
My situation is unique in MLC 105, because I am not simultaneously registered in MLC 110. My goal in taking MLC 105 is to continue to learn strategies of learning and maintaining the languages I have acquired thus far. I no longer remember most of the Hindi I learned in India, so I would like to begin the process of picking it up again. I have just returned from Brazil for a semester abroad, and my Portuguese is therefore fairly good as of now. I would like to continue improving in it. In order to stick to these goals, I will try to actively seek out activities that allow me to practice these languages with other speakers and will also continue to listen to music in these languages.