This week we discussed negation in sentences. When saying “no” to a verb phrase, the speaker uses the word tidak. When responding no to a nominal phrase, the speaker uses the word bukan. These words go directly before their respective nominal or verbal phrases. We also discussed vocabulary pertaining to the family. Generally, wanita, pria, istri, saami, and anak mean woman, man, wife, husband, and child respectively. Other important classifications are the phrases laki-laki meaning brother, adik meaning younger, kakak meaning older, and perempuon meaning sister. To learn this vocabulary and grammar, Thalia asked me to incorporate the two into a short paragraph about my own family.
Ibu saya namanya Lucibeth dan bapak saya bernama Clint. Saya purya dua adik laki-laki namany Jack dan Sam. Ibu saya tidak purya pekerjaan.
This translates as: “My mother’s name is Lucibeth and my father’s name is Clint. I have two younger brothers named Jack and Sam. My mother does not work.
Notice when indicating that my mother does not work that I used the word tidak because I am negating the word work.
To further understand these concepts, I created flash cards for the vocabulary because that has helped me learn previous vocabulary. To help myself learn negating phrases, I have been listening to people and myself talk so that I can think in my head whether I am negating a verb or noun phrase.