My goals for this fall semester are as follows:
1) Be able to speak more fluently when giving a presentation (3-5 min)
2) improve my reading speed
3) stay immersed in Bangladeshi culture
4) learn the numbers 1-100
To do number one, I am trying to record myself weekly speaking about some subject for 5 minutes. Afterwards my language partner and I will review what I said and seek to improve my grammar and pronunciation.
To accomplish number 2, I am reading when meeting with my language partner about 2 times a week. When reading, I am focusing on learning more words, and forcing myself to look at words and sentences rather than individual sounds.
To stay immersed in the culture, I assign myself phone time with some of Bangladeshi friends in Bangladesh. That way I get to continue to hear about their life, and keep myself from forgetting conversational bangla.
To finally learn all the numbers just takes time on my part. Every time I meet with my language partner we are trying to review this.