This article written on November 29, 2013, The subject of Refugees is a very hot subject in Israel. This article was talking about how hard it is for people seeking asylum to arrive in Israel. Only 34 people have crossed into Israel since the border walls were erected in January. All 34 were detained in an asylum center and spent numerous months in the detention center. This article follows the story of one of the refugees from Africa and his story. Even though his reason for coming to Israel was because his home country was unsafe and he was fleeing from the persecution, the police when they released him put on his identification card that he was in Israel for work. He was then put on a bus with the other 34 refugees and driven to South Tel Aviv, Levinksy Park. This park is the home to hundreds of refugees. Because the refugees are seeking some way to sustain themselves, they turn to petty crimes for food. Legislators have been working to try and get work for the thousands of refugees in southern Tel Aviv. However, all policies have been knocked down and vetoed because if Israel allows the refugees to work, they will settle, have children, and more refugees will come to Israel seeking shelter. Israel is a small country, although it is very prosperous, the resources are limited and Israel is already strained without trying to be self-sustaining and accommodating the refugees. Legislation was passed to shorten the detention the time of refugees in the asylum camps and quicken the deportation time.
Yesterday, legislation was passed to shorten the detention time in asylum camps to one year, but detention camps now have an indefinite time. Legislators fighting for the rights of refugees have vowed that the political battle has only begun in Israel.