- Fourth Artifact: Document a learning task that you have completed.
One of the learning tasks I wanted to work on was to learn about animals so that I could talk about them, as I love animals! My partner and I worked on creating a list of common animals, which I put down below. First we had me guess how to pronounce a word based on what I have learned so far from Portuguese and from my experience with Spanish. Then my partner corrected me if I was wrong, and had me write down the word she said, so I able to work with listening and then writing what I heard. Here is the list of animals that we came up with:
Cachorro (cajoho) - dog
Gato - cat
Elefante - elephant
Girafa -giraffe
Jacaré - alligator
Cavalo - horse
Cabra- female goat
Bode- male goat
Rato - rat (sounds like hato)
Um rato come queijo
Cobra- snake
Lagarto- lizard
dinossauro - dinosaur
Passáro- bird
Passarinho → birdy
Arara → from Rio (Disney movie)
Aranha → spider
Formiga → ant
Coelho → rabbit
Golfinho → dolphin
Tubarão → shark
Arraia → stingray